Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Puppy Food is formulated to support all the specific and delicate requirements that affect puppies. New-born puppies are always associated with some gastrointestinal problems including diarrhea, vomiting and anorexia. This may not augur well with their development in all aspects of life. This superior formulation helps the puppy receive the required amount of targeted nutriment for healthy digestion besides having a happy life in general.
This puppy food is formulated from quality highly digestible proteins and has an enriched balance of nutrients ensuring a maximum nutrient absorption. It contains every nutrient necessary for the growth of animals especially during the growth spurting stages of a puppy and the food is so tasty that no dog with an insulted tummy will turn down its food.
Key Benefits Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Puppy Food
Supports Digestive Health
The general formula is designed to prevent and alleviate the severities of digestive diseases including diarrhea, vomiting and anorexia. They ensure that your puppy can recover quickly and have a healthier life than when he was sick.
Highly Palatable
Another common cause of a lack or complete loss of appetite in puppies is digestive problems. The food is created in terms of what they would wish to take and get back on their feet again.
Balanced Fiber Content
All the components of the fibers in foods promote the action of the healthy bacteria to balance the gut bacteria hence making the stool quality and overall digestion better.
Being an enhanced meat formula food, Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Puppy Food contains all the energy a puppy requires for growth without having to look for large chunks of food which are probably hard on the gastrointestinal system.
Immune System Support
This food contains antioxidants together with the necessary nutrients, which will help the immune system of a puppy if exposed to diseases at this age.
EPA and DHA, as with other omega-3s, maintain the body’s healthy inflammatory response and also support digestion.
Full and Complete Nutrition
Satisfies all necessary nutrient demands in a single meal thus reducing the need for a supplement; makes sure that all needed aspects for the maximum growth of puppies are well furnished.
Is it possible to feed my puppy with Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Puppy Food for very long?
This food is ideally recommended for puppies that require private gastrointestinal disorder; otherwise it’s fed to puppies who are sick or recovering from digestive health problems.
What age do you garner that it is effective to switch your puppies to adult food?
Puppies can be moved from the puppy foods at around 12 months of age; or as advised by the vet. Also, always use landmark changes and do not apply these changes suddenly in order not hurt the stomach.
What has to be done in order to properly start my puppy with the Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Puppy Food?
Transition your puppy to this new food over a seven to ten day period gradually adding the increasing portions into your puppies’ current diet. This kind of introduction helps avoid upsetting the stomach.
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