All Important Details To Know About Kidney Disease In Cats

Disease of cat kidneys is a severe, almost silent disease that, with proper management, will give big changes in health and quality of life in a cat friend. It is one disease that is so common among older cats. Thus, for a cat owner, the more important he knows the signs, symptoms, causes, and treatment. This informative guide will share everything one needs to know about kidney disease in cats for better understanding in the proper care of a furry friend. Renal disease in cats is the case when kidneys are not able to perform their major functions. According to science, the process in which kidneys are involved is: filtering toxic waste products from the blood, maintaining appropriate levels of electrolytes, producing hormones, and fluid balance. With terminally abrogated kidney functioning, waste materials would start accumulating in the bloodstream, thus resulting in high health troubles.

There are two types of kidney disease in cats

  • Acute
  • Chronic

Acute Kidney Disease (AKD)

This is the type where everything happens suddenly, and there are all sorts of causes, such as toxins, infections, or obstructive diseases. In some cases, acute kidney damage actually is reversible when treated early.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

This is the more common form and usually found in older cats. CKD usually tends to develop over some time and, even though it is normally related to the aging process, it might be caused by genetics, high blood pressure, or due to chronic urinary tract infections.

Cat Kidney Disease Symptoms

Early symptoms of kidney disease in cats may cause one to discover the disease at its teen age, which shall be helpful in the effective treatment and active management of the disease. Symptoms that could be seen common in a cat having symptoms of kidney are given below:

  • Clinical signs Polydipsia and Polyuria: Polyuria and polydipsia will be among the first signs to be noticed. Cats affected with this disease will gradually increase their holding capacity in large volumes of water with ease.
  • Anorexia: Due to the infection with the disease, the cats lose their appetite, which makes them lose weight.
  • Depression: The affected cat is likely to be more depressed or inactive compared to usual. Nausea and Vomiting: Cats may show unusual signs of nausea and then progress to vomiting.
  • Dull Coat: Dull and unkempt and flaky coat.
  • Halitosis: Foul smelling breath, especially odorous to an owner like an ammonia – like breath may be suggestive of kidney disease.
  • Mouth Ulcers: Clinical signs these are exhibited through ulcerations painful in nature caused by the carrying out of toxins in the body.

Whenever you see signs on your cat ensure that you visit your vet. When detected earlier it leads to improved management capability of the disease.

Diagnosis of Cat Kidney Disease

Blood Tests

The blood tests are performed to diagnose kidney conditions on the basis of waste amounts of waste products like urea and creatinine in the blood.


Abnormalities in the urine of a cat, such as specific gravity or protein levels, provide the kidneys with more insight.

Diagnostic Imaging

Ultrasounds and radiographs may also be taken. This could be to monitor the size and structure of the kidneys and any signs of neoplasia, nephroliths, etc.

Possible Causes of Cats’ Kidney Disease

The various diseases that can cause cat kidney disease include:

The following are some of the potential causes:

  • Age: Elderly or older cats are much more prone to suffer from it.
  • Genetics: Some breeds are genetically more susceptible to specific diseases; Persians and Abyssinians are two such breeds.
  • High Blood Pressure: Continuous damage to kidneys can be caused due to this.
  • Infections: If urinary infections are sustained over a more extended period, then scarring of kidneys occurs.
  • Toxins: Exposure to some plant materials and antifreeze are some of the toxins which end up causing AKI.

Treatment of Kidney Disease in Cats

Dietary Management

Low protein and phosphorus prescription diets place lower demand on the kidneys. Other dietary recommendations include increasing moisture and omega-3 fatty acids that support kidney function.


Benefits of wet food lie in the fact that it enables increased fluid intake.


Another case rests with medications. Their vet, according to their tests, may require them to use medications due to their symptoms or some complications emanating from the kidney disease. These may include:

  • Antacids: These are given to prevent the nauseating and stomach upset when the medication is given
  • Phosphate Binders: these medications are given to prevent the phosphate absorbed from the diet.
  • Antihypertensive therapy: These are given for the hypertension

Routine Monitoring

You should not miss the blood check for your cat in order that kidney levels are checked on time. It helps your vet to correct the treatments and manage the issues timely.

Cat Kidney Disease Prevention

Though it is nearly impossible to prevent all kinds of kidney disease in cats, there are some general preventive measures to be taken into consideration, which are as follows:

Medical Monitoring of Cats

Periodic diagnostics, blood screens are especially useful in the prevention of renal issues in the early stage.

  • Healthy Nutrition: A well-balanced diet for a cat has to correspond first to the age and the physiological state of the animal.
  • Toxin Minimization: Some toxins simply should not be accessible to a cat; be mindful at plants and other household items, which play a role of danger for cats.
  • Healthful Hydration: Keep your cat well hydrated by giving her a plentiful and reliable source of clean fresh water. Consider increasing its fluid intake even more by offering a diet of wet food.


This essentially is a serious health issue, and probably most cat owners need to be enlightened about the same. If awareness regarding the symptoms causes and ways of treatment of this disease are passed on to them, it will go a long way in early diagnosis and control of the disease. Regular checkups with the vet, proper diet through  will keep your cat friend healthy. If any of the numerous kidney disease in cats is suspected to make their first manifestations, a veterinarian’s help shouldn’t be ignored, either for advice or support. You will have a happier and healthier companion—that is, among the abundance of renal diseases existing in cats with constant vigilance and proactivity.

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